
How Much Sawdust Makes a Ton of Pellets?

Many people want to make wood pellets using sawdust, and 99% don’t to know how much sawdust makes a ton of pellets, here we will explain to you clearly in 3 factors.

How much sawdust makes a ton of pellets

To get one ton of pellets, the quantity of sawdust consumed depends on 3 factors: the sawdust material moisture content, the sawdust purity, and also the pellet mills you are using. If you are using fine sawdust, moisture 10-15%, using high performance pellet mill, to get one ton pellets, you need 1.2ton sawdust.

Sawdust Purity


There are many impurities inside your sawdust materials, the high purity, the higher sawdust it contains. After screening, hammer milling and drying section, you can get 0.9ton pellets using 1ton fined sawdust.

Sawdust Moisture Content


The final wood pellets output has close relationship with the moisture content. While making wood pellets, you should control the moisture content strictly at 10-15%. After the drying section, the dryer will take away some moisture from the materials. So the high the moisture content is, the less final materials you will get, and accordingly the less wood pellets you can get.

High Quality Pellet Mills

pellet machine making wood pellets

If you want to get as much wood pellets as you can, you still need high performance pellet making machines. High efficiency pellet mills with power consumption can help you save a lot cost during pellet making. And the final pellets forming rate can achieve 95% or even high. But if you choose the low quality pellet mills, the forming rate can be 50% or even lower. So you must be 100% carefully when you choose the pellet machine manufacturers, to avoid unnecessary loss.


In conclusion, how much sawdust makes a ton of pellets depends on the sawdust purity, sawdust moisture content and the pellet machines you are using. Generally speaking, if your material is fine sawdust, moisture content 10-15% and using high quality pellet machine, to get one ton of pellets, you need about 1.2ton sawdust from our experience. Hope this article can help you.

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